
  • 22/10/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Seminar cybersecurity : secure multiparty computation’‘
    by Geoffroy Couteau, (IRIF Paris)

  • 08/10/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    by Maria Kokkou (LIS)

  • 01/10/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Graph Exploration: The Impact of a Distance Constraint’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel (LIS)

  • 24/09/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Seminar Cybersecurity: Distributed Identity Management’‘
    by Mathieu Gestin (IRISA Rennes)

  • 17/9/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Is maze-solving parallelizable?’‘
    by Romain Cosson (Inria Paris)

  • 10/9/2024, 9h30 at Amphi 9 et 12, Campus de Luminy

    ’‘Soutenances de stages de fin d’études’‘
    by M2 students FSI

  • 9/7/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Non-Negotiating Distributed Computing’‘
    by Corentin Travers (LIS)

  • 2/7/2024, 10h30 at CIRM

    ’‘Journée équipe Dalgo’‘
    by Stagiaires/Post-Doc/Doctorants

  • 25/6/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Des CRDTs aux PCDOs pour aborder la cohérence dans les systèmes distribués asynchrones.’‘
    by Amaury Joly (LIS)

  • 18/4/2024, 10h45 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Self-Stabilizing Algorithms’‘
    by Lélia Blin (IRIF)

  • 26/3/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Building a Nest by an Automaton’‘
    by Dariusz Dereniowski, Gdansk University of Technology

  • 12/3/2024, 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Bacterial Consensus’‘
    by Thomas Nowak (ENS Paris-Saclay & IUF)

  • 16/1/2024 : 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Introduction aux méthodes et problématiques d’optimisations rencontrées en apprentissage automatique’‘
    by Francois-Xavier Dupé, QARMA, LIS

  • 19/12/2023 : 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Using Indirect Surveys to Monitor Society’‘
    by Antonio Fernadez-Anta, Imdea Networks Institute

  • 28/11/2023 : 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Distributed search on graphs using discrete time quantum walk’‘
    by Mathieu Roget, CANA, LIS

  • 14/11/2023 : 10h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Distributed Computability with topological model : an extension to non-compact models’‘
    by Yannis Coutouly, DALGO, LIS

  • 17/10/2023 : 9h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Stationary and Deterministic Leader Election for Programmable Matter in the Presence of Obstacles’‘
    by Maria Kokkou, DALGO, LIS

  • 19/06/2023 : 11h00 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Belenios: a simple private and verifiable electronic voting system (part 3/3)’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel, DALGO, LIS

    Slides: PDF

  • 31/05/2023 : 10h00 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Belenios: a simple private and verifiable electronic voting system (part 2/3)’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel, DALGO, LIS

    Slides: PDF

  • 24/05/2023 : 10h00 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Belenios: a simple private and verifiable electronic voting system (part 1/3)’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel, DALGO, LIS

    Slides: PDF

  • 04/05/2023 : 14h00 at salle REU 04.03 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Semi-simplicial set models for distributed knowledge (and beyond)’‘
    by Roman Kniazev, LIX École Polytechique

  • 03/05/2023 : 10h00 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Distributed Decision Problems: Concurrent Specifications beyond Binary Relations’‘
    by Sergio Rajsbaum, Instituto de Matematicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)

  • 29/03/2023 : 09h30 at salle REU 04.03 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Space optimal self-stabilizing token circulation algorithm’‘
    by Gabriel Le Bouder, LIP6, Sorbonne Université

  • 08/02/2023 : 9h30 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Recoverable Data Structures in Settings with Non-Volatile Main Memory’‘
    by Panagiota Fatourou, Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Crete

  • 18/01/2023 : 10h40 at amphi 12, bâtiment B, Luminy

    ’‘Leader election in blockchains’‘
    by Sara Tucci Piergiovanni, CEA LIST Paris

  • 18/01/2023 : 9h30 at amphi 12, bâtiment B, Luminy

    ’‘Blockchain vs State Machine Replication’‘
    by Antonella Del Pozzo, CEA LIST Paris

  • 30/11/2022 : 10h at salle 04.03 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Deterministic leader election in the Ameobot model of programmable matter’‘
    by Shantanu Das, DALGO, LIS

  • 19/10/2022 : 10h at salle 04.03 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Introduction to Programmable Matter’‘
    by Maria Kokkou, DALGO, LIS

  • 13/09/2022 : 14h at visio-conférence

    ’‘Byzantine Auditable Atomic Register with Optimal Resilience’‘
    by Alexandre Rapetti, CEA LIST Paris

  • 17/06/2022 : 11h00 at salle REU 04.05 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Using Linearizable Objects in Randomized Concurrent Programs’‘
    by Jennifer L. Welch, Texas A&M University, USA

  • 31/05/2022 : 10h30 at salle 04.03 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Universal Graphs for Bounded Pathwidth Graphs’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel, DALGO, LIS

  • 26/04/2022 : 14h00 at salle 04.03 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Distributed Algorithms through the Lens of Algebraic Topology’‘
    by Emmanuel Godard, DALGO, LIS

  • 22/03/2022 : 14h00 at salle 04.03 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Crime and Punishment in Distributed Systems’‘
    by Pierre Civit, LIP6, Sorbonne Université

  • 22/02/2022 : 14h00 at salle 04.02 (LIS Luminy)

    ’‘Causal total order broadcast algorithms with bounded message size for dynamic systems’‘
    by Colette Johnen, LaBRI et Université de Bordeaux

  • 01/02/2022 : 14h00 at Zoom

    ’‘Local certification of graph classes’‘
    by Laurent Feuilloley, LIRIS, Université de Lyon 1

  • 02/12/2021: 14h00 at TPR2/04.03 (Luminy)

    ’‘Scheduling and Graph Exploration with deadlines’‘
    by Euripides Markou, University of Thessaly (Greece)

  • 13/07/2021: 14h-15h

    ’‘All-Pairs LCA in DAGs: Breaking through the O(n^2.5) barrier’‘
    by Przemysław Uznański (University of Wrocław, Pologne)

  • 08/06/2021: 14h-15h

    ’‘From Bezout’s Identity to Space-Optimal Election in Anonymous Memory Systems’‘
    by Damien Imbs (LIS)

  • 25/05/2021: 14h-15h

    ’‘Algorithme presque optimal pour la chasse au trésor dans les graphes arbitraires’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel (LIS)

  • 13/04/2021 : 14h-15h

    ’‘Long-Lived Shared Objects with Polylogarithmic Amortized Step Complexity.’‘
    by Alessia Milani (LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux)

  • 16/03/2021: 14h-15h

    ’‘Self-stabilizing Systems in Spite of High Dynamics’‘
    by Stéphane Devismes (VERIMAG, Université Grenoble Alpes)

  • 23/06/2020

    ’‘Schéma de distance pour les graphes pontés sans clique de taille 4’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel (DALGO, LIS)

  • 22/11/2019 : 10h30 at salle de réunion du LIS, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Schémas de compression pour les classes maximums et amples.’‘
    by Jérémie Chalopin (DALGO, LIS)

  • 25/10/2019 : 10h30 at salle de réunion du LIS, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Livraison collaborative avec des agents mobiles contraints en énergie.’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel (DALGO)

  • 27/09/2019 : 10h30 at salle de réunion du LIS, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Ce que vos parents ont dit de ne pas faire dans un protocole sans fil’‘
    by Cédric Berenger and Peter Niebert (DALGO)

  • 13/09/2019 : 10h30 at salle de réunion du LIS, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Overcoming Interference in the Beeping Model - Deterministic Optimal Leader Election’‘
    by Fabien Dufoulon (LRI, Paris)

  • 29/05/2019

    ’‘A Framework for Searching in Graphs in the Presence of Errors’‘
    by Dariusz Dereniowski (Gdansk University of Technology, Pologne)

  • 26/04/2019 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Patrolling on Dynamic Ring Networks’‘
    by Shantanu Das (DALGO, LIS)

  • 15/02/2019

    ’‘Distributed Algorithms meet Computer-Aided Verification’‘
    by Josef Widder (TU Wien)

  • 14/12/2018 : 10h30

    ’‘Approximate Agreement in Dynamic Networks’‘
    by Thomas Nowak (LRI, Paris)

  • 26/11/2018 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Descriptive distributed complexity’‘
    by Fabian Reiter (LSV, Université Paris-Saclay)

  • 26/10/2018 at salle de réunion du LIS, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘k-enveloppe convexe asymptotique et problèmes associés dans les adversaires de messages’‘
    by Eloi Perdereau (Doctorant, DALGO)

  • 29/06/2018 at Salle des commissions, Batiment TPR2, 1er étage (Luminy)

    ’‘Towards the blockchain formalization: the blockchain abstract data type’‘
    by Antonella Del Pozzo (Researcher, CEA LIST, Paris)

  • 05/06/2018 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Anonymity in Distributed Read/Write Systems: a Short Problem-Based Introduction’‘
    by Michel Raynal (Professeur, IRISA, Université de Rennes, et Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

  • 01/06/2018 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Balanced connected partitioning of unweighted grid graphs’‘
    by Cédric Berenger (Doctorant, DALGO)

  • 24/04/2018 at salle BOCAL du Bibliotheque (premiere étage), Luminy

    ’‘Edge-fault-tolerant spanners for single-source short(est) paths’‘
    by Guido Proietti (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila)

  • 20/04/2018 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘The Synchronization Power of Atomic Bitwise Operations’‘
    by Damien Imbs (MCF, DALGO)

  • 09/03/2018 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Collaborative Delivery with Heterogeneous Agents’‘
    by Shantanu Das (MCF, DALGO)

  • 02/02/2018 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Exploring Graphs with Time Constraints by Unreliable Mobile Robots’‘
    by Arnaud Labourel (MCF, DALGO)

  • 19/01/2018 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘Population Protocols with Faulty Communications’‘
    by Giuseppe Antonio Di Luna (Postdoc, DALGO)

  • 01/12/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘Distributed Algorithms for Energy Constrained Mobile Agents’‘
    by Christina Karousatou (PhD Student, DALGO)

  • 24/11/2017

    ’‘Comment explorer un arbre inconnu avec des agents à énergie limitée’‘
    by Jérémie Chalopin (DALGO)

  • 26/10/2017 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué) [changement possible]

    ’‘Self-Stabilizing Disconnected Components Detection and Rooted Shortest-Path Tree Maintenance’‘
    by David Ilcinkas (CR, LaBRI, CNRS, Bordeaux)

  • 20/10/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘Impact of initial knowledge on calculability in distributed systems’‘
    by Antoine Naudin (PhD Student, DALGO)

  • 04/09/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘Collaborative delivery by energy-sharing low-power mobile robots’‘
    by Christina Karousatou (DALGO, LIF)

  • 30/06/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘On-line searching of partial grids’‘
    by Dariusz Dereniowski (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland)

  • 16/06/2017 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Online exploration of weighted graphs’‘
    by Euripides Markou (University of Thessaly, Greece)

  • 26/05/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘Maximal exploration of trees with energy-constrained agents’‘
    by Christina Karousatou (PhD Student, LIF)

  • 12/05/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘On the computability power of message-based communication primitives’‘
    by Damien Imbs (Postdoc, LIF)

  • 14/04/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘Self-stabilizing Metric Graphs’‘
    by Jonas Lefèvre (ATER, IRIF, Université Paris Diderot)

  • 07/04/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘The Power of Weaknesses, variations on Population and Community Protocols’‘
    by Mikaël Rabie (ATER, LIP, ENS de Lyon)

  • 05/04/2017 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Self-Oscillations and population protocols’‘
    by Anissa Lamani (Postdoc, MIS, Université de Picardie Jules Verne)

  • 31/03/2017 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Robustness in highly dynamic networks’‘
    by Arnaud Casteigts (MCF, LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux)

  • 17/03/2017 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy (Préfabriqué)

    ’‘Distributed Evacuation in Graphs with Multiple Exits’‘
    by Shantanu Das (MCF, DALGO)

  • 03/02/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘Maintenance of random logical networks’‘
    by Romaric Duvignau (DALGO)

  • 27/01/2017 at meeting room of LIF, (Prefabricated building) Luminy

    ’‘Data Aggregation in Dynamic Networks’‘
    by Quentin Bramas (Doctorate, LIP6, UPMC Paris)

  • 13/01/2017 at salle de réunion du LIF, Luminy

    ’‘Counting in Anonymous Dynamic Networks’‘
    by Giuseppe Antonio Di Luna (Postdoc, University of Ottawa)